Friday Jan 19, 2024
Icky Ichabod’s Weird Cinema #105 - Movie Review - Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993) - 1-19-2024
Hockey masks are on standby for Icky Ichabod and the Wizard of Weird as they rock their best cosplay for 1993’s Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday. Despite the film’s subtitle, this is far from the final film with one of the slasher genre’s icons, but The Final Friday does serve up Jason dabbling with supernatural elements and beyond in this eyebrow-raising entry in the franchise.
Show is recorded at Grand Forks Best Source. For studio information, visit www.gfbestsource.com
To download and stream past Weird Cinema/Wrestling episodes, visit https://weirdcinema.podbean.com/
#jason #slasher #jason #fridaythe13th #jasongoestohell #hockey #hockeymask #weird #clowns #spooky #grandforksbestsource #GFBS