6 days ago

Icky Ichabod’s Weird Cinema #152 - Movie Review: The Rum Diary (2011) - 2-21-2025

Icky Ichabod and The Wizard of Weird continue their trek covering films adapted from Hunter S. Thompson works starring Johnny Depp as a journalist. This time Depp plays a reporter on an alcohol binge while chasing down a story in Puerto Rico!


Show is recorded at Grand Forks Best Source. For studio information, visit www.gfbestsource.com Icky Ichabod's Weird Cinema https://weirdcinema.podbean.com/


#movies #moviereview #classicmovies #grandforksbestsource #belegendary #followers #everyone #therumdiary #johnnydepp #huntersthompson #amberheard

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