Friday Feb 28, 2025
Icky Ichabod’s Weird Cinema #153 - Movie Review: Gonzo: The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson (2008) - 2-28-2025
Icky Ichabod and The Wizard of Weird continue their trek covering films adapted from Hunter S. Thompson works This stylized documentary uses journalist Hunter S. Thompson's own words, his home movies, interviews with his fans and critics and passionate narration by Johnny Depp to give some insight into the writer's process and edgy genius
Show is recorded at Grand Forks Best Source. For studio information, visit www.gfbestsource.com Icky Ichabod's Weird Cinema https://weirdcinema.podbean.com/
#movies #moviereview #classicmovies #grandforksbestsource #belegendary #followers #everyone #therumdiary #johnnydepp #huntersthompson #amberheard