Friday Feb 02, 2024
Icky Ichabod’s Weird Wrestling #107 - TNA Total Nonstop Action Wrestling AKA Impact Wrestling - 2-2-2024
TNA Wrestling megafan Robert guest hosts on the show to join Icky Ichabod & Dale this week talking all about the newly re-branded TNA Wrestling. The organization has been around since 2002 originally as TNA, but rebranded several times in 2017, finishing out the year as Impact Wrestling and held that name until returning to TNA Wrestling a couple weeks ago at its Hard to Kill show. We discuss as many highs, lows, and WEIRD moments throughout TNA history as possible in a half hour!
Show is recorded at Grand Forks Best Source. For studio information, visit www.gfbestsource.com
To download and stream past Weird Cinema/Wrestling episodes, visit https://weirdcinema.podbean.com/
#wrestling #TNA #impact #impactwrestling #tnawrestling #xdivision #knockouts #ajstyles #ricflair #awesomekong #GFBS #wrestling