Friday Mar 15, 2024
Icky Ichabod’s Weird Wrestling #111 - Hardcore Legends - Jon Moxley, Sting, Mr. Pogo, & Nick Gage - 3-15-2024
On this episode of Weird Wrestling, Icky Ichabod has his first installment of his “Hardcore Legends” series. This edition will be focusing on the hardcore wrestling careers of Jon Moxley, Mr. Pogo, Sting, & Nick Gage. Get your barbed wire, cheese graters, tables, pizza slicers, and fluorescent light tubes ready for this one!
Show is recorded at Grand Forks Best Source. For studio information, visit www.gfbestsource.com
To download and stream past Weird Cinema/Wrestling episodes, visit https://weirdcinema.podbean.com/
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